On 14 April 2018 the project ROBOTS was presented to GetConnected, a Bologna IT company, that helps companies to maximize their potential with cutting-edge tools, innovative technologies and user-friendly service design.
Elisa Turrini with Alessandro Rizzoli, the owner of this company, near the Rollup of our project.
After this presentation, Alessandro Rizzoli decided that his company would become a associated partner of ROBOT.

On 9 April 2018 Look Up! Radio becomes a media partner of the project ROBOTS
Look Up! Radio is the first web radio of a higher school in Bologna,It is in our Institute Aldini Valeriani. It is an unique, educational and inclusive project: it puts transversal skills that are typical various fields of the school Aldini (from graphics and communication to electronic-electrotechnics) and it becomes a new form of school-work alternation, for all students, including the students of the first year.

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Difusión en las jornadas organizadas por el CEFIRE de Xátiva “Buenas prácticas en Programas Europeos. Me han concedido un Erasmus +... ¿Ahora qué?” en el salón de actos de la EOI de Xátiva los días 21 y 22 de Febrero, realizando una ponencia en IES Simarro donde detalla los proyectos en los que participa.

Foto 1 / Foto 2 / Foto 3 / Foto 4 / Foto 5

On 1st March 2018 the ROBOTS project had the patronage of the institution USR ER (Emilia Romagna Regional School Office) This istitution is in Bologna (Via de' Castagnoli 1).
The Web site is http://istruzioneer.it/

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Difusión en las reuniones de alumnos que participan en proyectos de movilidad Erasmus+ KA102 celebrada en el salón de actos del el IES LLUIS SIMARRO en Xativa el 21 de febrero. Se presenta el proyecto RoBots a los asistentes que son los alumnos que participan en proyectos de movilidad.

Foto 1 / Foto 2


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

About Us

The "Skills RObots BOosts" project is funded by the European Commission under ERASMUS+
Action: KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
The project's contractor is IES Lluis Simarro.

Project start date: 01-09-2017
Project end date: 31-08-2019

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