Several teachers from Associação Empresarial AEP - Portugal participate in an international training at Biella - Italy.
The event was called "How to use robotics in the ESTEAM teaching". 
Check out the article on a portuguese local newspaper.

Parlano di noi sull’Eco di Biella del 24 settembre 2018

On the 25th of September we have officially formed a robotics club (ROBO-TEAM-KLUB) as a part of the project RObots BOosts skills and it is a follow up to the Scaling Up Inclusion. Under the leadership of our teachers and the students who have been a part of the project we have formulated a community of young ESTEAM students. The title of the article which can be found on the following link is 'The beginning of autumn brings new activities in the RObots BOosts Skills project'.

Dissemination in Croatia
We held a workshop at which we have made a vertical connection between primary and our secondary school; we have invited students from a primary school while our students were their mentors.The name of the workshop was 'THE BASICS OF ROBOT PROGRAMMING' and the goal was to teach the primary school students the concepts of robotics and robots, how to use senzors and in what way does the robot assimilate in space and how to programe it for that purpose by using the students' current knowledge and what they have just learned.First two workhops motivationally show and include children in piloting already programmed robots.During the next four workshops the children are learning how to use the existing senzors on the robots.

Difusión en la “Fira de l’Estudiant” celebrada en la calle Alameda de Xátiva el 8 de Mayo. Desde el stand del IES Simarro, se promocionan los ciclos formativos que oferta el centro y se muestran los proyectos europeos en los que participa el centro.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

About Us

The "Skills RObots BOosts" project is funded by the European Commission under ERASMUS+
Action: KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
The project's contractor is IES Lluis Simarro.

Project start date: 01-09-2017
Project end date: 31-08-2019

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